Ms. Page’s Counseling Corner September 2021

Ms. Page's CC

Happy September!

We are now fully into the swing of the new school year and it has been great seeing all of our returning and new students.

Classes have started receiving lessons from me-please view below to see what your child is learning!


K/1 – Zones of Regulation

2/3 – Emotional Management

4 – Mindfulness

5 – Managing Anxiety

6 – Emotional Management


K – A Bug and a Wish                        1 – Tattling v. Reporting

2- Focusing Attention                 3 – Planning to Learn

4 – Emotional Management            5 – Accepting Differences

6 – Mindfulness

Important Dates:

9/6: Labor Day- no school!
9/10: Early Release- 1:30 pm

9/13-9/17: Parent/Teacher Conferences

(M/T/Th/F : 1:30 release W: 12:45 release)

9/22: First day of Fall

Please contact me with any  questions or concerns,

Ms. Page

(480) 472- 3968


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