Ms. Page’s Counseling Corner October 2021

Ms. Page's CC

Happy October!!

I hope that all of you had a productive and positive September. As we move into October, I wanted to share something I came across about having optimism. Action for Happiness is an organization that hopes to create a movement of people committed to building a happier and more caring society. They have monthly themes and goals for those who follow them, and this month happened to be Optimistic October. This is from their website:


Over the past year, I’ve talked with our students about resiliency and the power of yet (I can’t do this yet, I don’t understand this yet).. We as a community have been faced with many challenges the past year and a half, but being resilient, optimistic, and practicing positive self-talk are tools we can all have to help us push  through the tough times. I encourage all families to help foster these traits in your child. Let them know it’s okay to make mistakes, to have bad days- but we still get back up and try again.

October 4th-8th is Fall Break, and I wish all of you a relaxing week!

Ms. Page
(480) 472-3968

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